It has been claimed that credit card limits will be reduced in the new year. It is alleged that the limits will take into account the monthly earnings of citizens, and that banks will not allocate limits exceeding four times their monthly income to customers. NO NEW REGULATION ON CREDIT CARD LIMITSAn explanation regarding the issue has been provided. Sources from the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) speaking to CNBC-e stated that the current legislation allows for limits ranging from 2 to 4 times the total monthly income. They denied the claims of a new regulation. A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL REVIEW WILL BE CONDUCTEDBDDK sources emphasized that a team consisting of experts from the Turkish Banks Association (TBB) Risk Center and SGK has been established to determine credit card limits, and that a multi-dimensional review will be conducted in the new process. They highlighted that not only salaries but also passive incomes are taken into account in determining credit card limits.