Security camera footage released by the England Police revealed the final moments of a cheating husband before he murdered his pregnant girlfriend in the woods. 31-year-old Filmon Andmichaen is seen getting out of his white Toyota Yaris and walking towards a nearby wooded area with 26-year-old Liwam Bereket. Shortly after leaving the cameras' view, Andmichaen returns to the car alone. Recently, Andmichaen was sentenced to life in prison for the "brutal and cowardly" murder that took place in the wooded area on Freeth Street in Birmingham's Ladywood district on August 1 of last year. The couple had a relationship, but according to what was told to the jury, Andmichaen wanted Bereket to have an abortion when he learned she was pregnant. When 26-year-old Bereket refused, Andmichaen took matters into his own hands. Judge Choudhury stated that he had no doubt Andmichaen intended to kill both Bereket and her unborn daughter when he stabbed Bereket in the neck and left her face down in the grass for over an hour. Bereket, who was six months pregnant, was looking forward to becoming a mother. The killer took the victim's phone to prevent her from calling for help, and it later emerged that the phone was found in the trunk of his car. Andmichaen's family stated in court, "The loss of our daughter and sister has devastated our lives in ways that cannot be expressed in words." Chief Detective Jim Colclough, who led the investigation, said, "The brutal murder of a young woman who was looking forward to becoming a mother is heartbreaking. This was a very sad investigation for my team, but they were determined to see justice served for Liwam and her family."