Yüsra Geyik, who left the long-running series Arka Sokaklar with a sudden decision and later participated in many projects such as Bozkır, Aile, and Taş Kağıt Makas, made confessions that will be a topic of discussion regarding kissing scenes in TV series. The successful actress, who is currently starring in the series Bir Gece Masalı alongside Burak Deniz and Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun, drew attention with her statements in Yasemin Şefik's program 'Uyduruk Sonlar'. In response to Şefik's question, "The most asked question in the acting world, which everyone is curious about, is about kissing scenes. What do you talk about with your partner during kissing scenes?" the actress said, "It's worse when you have to adjust the angle. At that moment, you feel nothing." When the host further provoked the question by saying, "What if their mouth smells?" Geyik replied, "Of course, you can sense those things. But it never feels like anything else. I don't know... It hasn't happened to me with someone I liked before. Maybe it tickles you up to that moment, but then you still can't feel anything." Geyik's words became a hot topic on social media.