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The date for the opening of Cem Garipoğlu's grave has been announced.

The date for the opening of Cem Garipoğlu's grave has been announced.

27.09.2024 21:20

The date for the exhumation of Cem Garipoğlu, the murderer of Münevver Karabulut who was killed on March 3, 2009, in Bahçeşehir, has been announced. On Thursday, October 3, at 11:00 AM, Garipoğlu's grave will be opened to collect samples for DNA testing.

The discussions about whether Cem Garipoğlu, the murderer of Münevver Karabulut, who was brutally killed in Istanbul in 2009, really committed suicide in prison have led to the acceptance of a request made to the Silivri Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for the exhumation of the grave (fethi kabir) and DNA matching. Cem Garipoğlu's grave will be opened on Thursday, October 3, and samples will be taken for DNA testing.

The date for the opening of Cem Garipoğlu's grave has been announced


After 10 years, the reasons for the exhumation of the grave have also become a subject of curiosity for everyone. Lawyer Rezan Epözdemir explained the reasons cited by the prosecutor's office for the exhumation of Garipoğlu's grave. The celebrations and posts made by Cem Garipoğlu's family are among the primary reasons for the exhumation. Epözdemir noted that the family's sharing of photos taken while sitting on the couch where Münevver Karabulut was murdered and where blood traces were found also contributed to the decision for the exhumation.


It was noteworthy that the couch the Garipoğlu family sat on was the same as the one in the room where Münevver Karabulut was killed 12 years ago. In the police investigation conducted on the day of the incident, the blood traces detected on the couch were numbered 42, 43, and 44. Blood traces had emerged in many places in the room. It was claimed that the couch was also taken to the house the Garipoğlu family moved to after the incident. After followers noticed this, the photo was deleted shortly thereafter due to their reactions.

The date for the opening of Cem Garipoğlu's grave has been announced


Lawyer Rezan Epözdemir announced the development regarding the decision to open Cem Garipoğlu's grave and stated: "As you know, we have been following the case regarding the brutal and savage murder of Münevver Karabulut for about 15 years as the representative of the victim's family. The murder of Münevver Karabulut is extremely important and a precedent in terms of raising social awareness and intellectual follow-up regarding violence against women and femicides in Turkey. In this context, we recently requested the exhumation of Cem Garipoğlu's grave and the fethi kabir process in accordance with Article 87/4 of the Criminal Procedure Code. At the request of my client Süreyya Karabulut, we have implemented an effective legal process on this matter, especially in the last two years. At this point, the Silivri Chief Public Prosecutor's Office accepted our request and decided to open Cem Garipoğlu's grave and carry out the fethi kabir process, and a directive was written to the Anadolu Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding this matter. This mystery, which has been asked the most in every place we have gone for years, in universities, panels, seminars, written and visual media, and social media, will thus be resolved. As a result of our long-standing legal struggle, this decision given by the Chief Public Prosecutor is extremely important and gratifying. I thank the Chief Public Prosecutor on behalf of my client’s family. The fethi kabir process and legal proceedings will be effectively followed by us to ensure the public conscience is relieved and the material truth is revealed. The necessary information is respectfully submitted to the public."

The date for the opening of Cem Garipoğlu's grave has been announced


High school student Münevver Karabulut was killed by Cem Garipoğlu on March 3, 2009. Karabulut's lifeless body was found dismembered in a trash container by a garbage collector. After the murder was revealed, it drew significant attention and outrage in the Turkish public. The suspect, Cem Garipoğlu, fled after the murder, and this escape lasted for 197 days. Garipoğlu surrendered 197 days after the murder, and his trial process ended with a conviction on November 18, 2011. Garipoğlu committed suicide by hanging himself in the No. 5 L-Type Closed Prison in Silivri on October 10, 2014.

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