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The disgraceful acts of Israeli soldiers never end! They have openly mocked the Palestinians they tortured.

The disgraceful acts of Israeli soldiers never end! They have openly mocked the Palestinians they tortured.

27.06.2024 19:32

The scandals regarding Israel, which has been raining bombs on Gaza since October 7, 2023, and has killed over 28,000 Palestinians, are not ending. The footage of Israeli soldiers mocking tortured Palestinians has stirred up the international public opinion.

The atrocities of the Israeli army, which has been bombarding Gaza since October 7, 2022, and killing thousands of civilians, continue. Those who watched the torture videos shared by Israeli soldiers and circulating on social media commented, "This is too much."


The footage served by the Qatar-based media organization Al Jazeera shows moments when Israeli soldiers, affiliated with the Israeli army, torture and openly mock the Palestinians they have captured.


Addameer, a human rights group based in Ramallah, criticized the footage, stating, "Israeli soldiers openly share the torture they inflict on Palestinian prisoners on social media, boasting about it. Due to the lack of accountability for the crimes committed by the occupying state for years, the soldiers intentionally document their acts of torture against Palestinian detainees and publish these videos and photos on their personal social media accounts."

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