A wedding in Bengaluru, India, was canceled due to the inappropriate behavior of the drunken groom and his friends. The viral footage on social media shows the chaos created by the groom and his friends interrupting the ceremony during religious rituals. The bride's mother made a brave decision, thinking of her daughter's future, especially after the groom threw the sacred ceremony plate (aarti thali), and canceled the wedding in front of all the relatives. Although the groom's family later suggested resolving the issue, the mother did not back down in the face of the disrespect shown. According to ABP's report, the mother expressed her sadness by saying, "I trusted you so much, but you did not show us respect. If it is like this now, what will my daughter's future be?" While the incident resonated widely on social media, many users supported the mother's decision. One user commented, "Couldn't he stay sober even on his special day?" while another user said, "It takes courage to stand up for your daughter despite financial burdens and societal judgments." The footage reached 1.7 million views on Instagram, while experts noted that the family should be kept under protection for a while, as such pioneering incidents could lead to reactions in society. Social media users particularly supported the mother's decision by commenting, "She prevented years of pain or divorce" and "Respect should be shown on this special day when two families are forming a new bond."