The legendary artist of Yeşilçam, Kemal Sunal, is set to star in the remake of the film Zübük, as announced by the famous director Ezel Akay, who also revealed the lead actor of the project. During his appearance on the program 'Between Ali and Us', Ezel Akay stated that Ali Sunal, the son of Kemal Sunal, will play the lead role in the new version of Zübük. He mentioned that he had offered this role years ago, but Ali Sunal had declined the offer, saying, "I cannot play the roles my father played." Akay expressed that while he respected this decision, he eventually managed to convince Sunal over time. 'UNIVERSAL STORY'Expressing his excitement for the new project, Ezel Akay said, "The character of Zübük is not only a reflection of a certain era but also an universal story that reflects today's political and social structure. I am excited to realize this project with Ali Sunal." ALI SUNAL'S ZÜBÜK POSTAfter the announcement of the project, Ali Sunal shared a post about Zübük on his social media account, leaving a note saying "Hello."