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The gendarmerie that came for the arrest was fired upon; 1 non-commissioned officer was seriously injured.

The gendarmerie that came for the arrest was fired upon; 1 non-commissioned officer was seriously injured.

27.11.2024 23:50

In Saruhanlı, Manisa, a fugitive suspect with 8 separate criminal records opened fire with a gun on the gendarmerie teams that came for his arrest. In the incident, Gendarmerie Non-Commissioned Officer Emin Y. was shot and seriously injured, while the suspect was apprehended by the teams.

A fugitive with 8 separate criminal records opened fire on the gendarmerie who came for his arrest in the Saruhanlı district of Manisa; 1 non-commissioned officer was seriously injured.

Opened fire on the gendarmerie who came for his arrest; 1 non-commissioned officer was seriously injured

In the incident that occurred on Şehit Şevket Kolonkaya Street in the Dilek neighborhood of the district, gendarmerie teams, who identified the house where Gökhan K., who had 8 separate criminal records and was wanted, was hiding, went to the address to detain the suspect.

Opened fire on the gendarmerie who came for his arrest; 1 non-commissioned officer was seriously injured

As the gendarmerie entered the house, Gökhan K. opened fire on the teams with a pistol. In the incident, Gendarmerie Non-Commissioned Officer Emin Y. was shot and seriously injured, while the suspect was captured and taken into custody.

Opened fire on the gendarmerie who came for his arrest; 1 non-commissioned officer was seriously injured

Emin Y. was taken to Akhisar State Hospital by the medical teams who arrived at the scene upon notification and was treated. It was reported that Non-Commissioned Officer Emin Y. is still in critical condition.

Opened fire on the gendarmerie who came for his arrest; 1 non-commissioned officer was seriously injured

An investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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