Young Party General President Burçin Şahindur was a guest of Melis Yaşar on Haberler.com. Arriving at the studio with grocery shopping, Şahindur made striking statements on issues such as high prices, early elections, and minimum wage increases. "A FAMILY'S GROCERY SHOPPING COSTS 2994 TL"Burçin Şahindur made attention-grabbing statements regarding grocery shopping. Emphasizing that the shopping only covered basic food items, Şahindur said, "The total amount on my grocery receipt is 2994 TL. These prices make it impossible for a family to make ends meet." The host Melis Yaşar, who saw the shopping receipt, could not hide her astonishment. "MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE SHOULD NOT BE DELAYED UNTIL JULY"Şahindur, in his statement regarding the minimum wage increase, said, "If they can make an increase in July, why aren't they doing it now? If there are no elections, they won't make an increase in July either. The purchasing power of the people has been exhausted," calling on the government. "A SHIFT TO PRODUCTION POLICY IS NECESSARY"Addressing economic issues, Şahindur stated that Turkey urgently needs to shift to production policies. "For the country's development, a production-oriented economic policy should be adopted instead of a consumption-oriented one," he expressed. "THE ÖCALAN PROCESS IS AN ELECTION TRAP"Şahindur made statements regarding the Öcalan process, saying, "This process is entirely an election trap. We do not support this process in any way. We also do not accept Öcalan's use of the term 'Turkiyeli'." "A POLITICAL ASSASSINATION IS BEING CARRIED OUT AGAINST CHP"Speaking about the Republican People's Party and Ekrem İmamoğlu, Şahindur stated, "A political assassination is being carried out against CHP. Their target is clearly Ekrem İmamoğlu," expressing that the situation within the party is a serious problem.