01.03.2025 14:00
Following the call of terrorist leader Abdullah Öcalan, the terrorist organization PKK declared a ceasefire. In the ceasefire announcement, it was stated, "We will comply with the content of the call, and we declare that we are announcing a ceasefire effective from today." The text regarding the ceasefire highlighted the organization's demands. The group requested that Öcalan preside over the congress for its dissolution and demanded his release.
PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan made a historic call regarding the terrorist organization. Öcalan, who said, "I take on the historical responsibility of this call," stated, "PKK has completed its life," and called for "All groups should lay down their arms, and PKK should dissolve itself."
Öcalan's letter titled "Call for Peace and Democratic Society," dated February 25, 2025, is as follows: "PKK was born in the context of the 20th century, the most violent century in history, characterized by two world wars, real socialism, and the cold war environments experienced worldwide, as well as the denial of the Kurdish reality, stemming from restrictions on freedoms, especially freedom of expression. The theory, program, strategy, and tactics have been heavily influenced by the harsh reality of the century's real-socialist system. The collapse of real socialism in the 1990s due to internal reasons and the resolution of identity denial in the country, along with the developments in freedom of expression, have led to PKK's meaninglessness and excessive repetition. Therefore, it has completed its life like its counterparts and necessitated its dissolution.
The second century of the Republic can only have a lasting and brotherly continuity when crowned with democracy. There is no non-democratic path for system searches and realizations. There cannot be. Democratic consensus is the fundamental method. The language of the period of peace and democratic society must also be developed in accordance with reality. In this climate, created by the call made by Mr. Devlet Bahçeli and the positive approaches of other political parties towards the known call put forth by the President, I am calling for the laying down of arms and taking on the historical responsibility of this call.
Every contemporary society and party, whose existence has not been forcibly terminated, should convene their congress and make a decision for integration with the state and society, as they would voluntarily. All groups should lay down their arms, and PKK should dissolve itself."
Following Öcalan's call, Kandil stated, "As PKK, we fully agree with the content of the call and declare that we will comply with and implement the requirements of the call from our side. We are declaring a ceasefire effective immediately."
On the other hand, the terrorist organization PKK stated in its announcement that they are also ready to convene a congress to dissolve the organization.
Conditions in the organization's statement:
- We fully agree with the content of the call and declare that we will comply with and implement the requirements of the call from our side. However, we want to emphasize that for success, the democratic political and legal ground must also be suitable.
- Unless there is an attack, none of our forces will engage in armed action.
- We are ready to convene the party congress. However, for this to happen, a secure environment must be created, and Öcalan must personally manage the success of the congress.
- Abdullah Öcalan must achieve conditions for physical freedom to live and work, and he should be able to establish unrestricted relations with anyone he wishes, including his friends. We hope that the relevant state institutions will fulfill these requirements.