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The military uprising in Bolivia has been suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who led the coup attempt, is under arrest.

The military uprising in Bolivia has been suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who led the coup attempt, is under arrest.

27.06.2024 19:38

A group of soldiers in Bolivia, a South American country, attempted a coup by besieging the government palace in the capital city of La Paz. The development made headlines in the international media, but the soldiers who took to the streets returned to their units upon the order of the newly appointed army commander, Jose Wilson Sanchez. Following the suppression of the military uprising, former commander Jose Zuniga, who was accused of leading the coup attempt, was also arrested upon the request of the prosecutor's office. Footage of Zuniga's arrest was also released.

A group of soldiers attempting a coup in Bolivia besieged the government palace in the capital with heavy weapons and armored units. While the military uprising in the South American country became the number one agenda in the world press, hundreds of soldiers who took to the streets returned to their units under the command of the new commander Jose Wilson Sanchez appointed by the army after the coup attempt was suppressed. Jose Zuniga, who was accused of managing the coup, was arrested live on air by the authorities.


Soldiers have taken action in Bolivia. It was announced that a group of soldiers attempted a coup. President Lucho Arce stated in his statement, "We condemn the disorderly mobilization carried out by some units of the Bolivian Army. Respect for democracy must be shown."

Coup attempt in Bolivia suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who managed the coup attempt, is under arrest


Heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles gathered in Plaza Murillo, where government buildings are located in La Paz, the administrative capital of the country. A team affiliated with the armed forces besieged the government palace.

Coup attempt in Bolivia suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who managed the coup attempt, is under arrest


In November 2019, a US-backed coup took place in Bolivia, and then President Evo Morales was forced to leave the country. Morales made posts on his social media account about the latest developments in the country. Sharing a video of the military movement in his first message, Morales said, "A coup is taking place."

Coup attempt in Bolivia suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who managed the coup attempt, is under arrest


In another message, the former president stated that a unit that captured Murillo Square placed snipers around the square, stating that this was a sign of the coup attempt.

Coup attempt in Bolivia suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who managed the coup attempt, is under arrest


Jose Wilson Sanchez, who was appointed as the head of the army after the military uprising, made statements at a press conference. Sanchez, who condemned the military uprising, said, "I order all soldiers and personnel on the streets and squares to return to their units."

Coup attempt in Bolivia suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who managed the coup attempt, is under arrest


Sanchez emphasized that they have taken on a "great" responsibility and said, "I am honored to be deemed worthy of such a duty. We thank the President and the Minister of Defense for trusting us. We are faced with images that no one would want to see on the streets and squares. As the new commander of the army, I would like to state that we will not allow undemocratic actions."

Coup attempt in Bolivia suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who managed the coup attempt, is under arrest


After the suppression of the coup attempt, former commander Jose Zuniga, who attempted a coup against the Luis Arce government in Bolivia, was arrested at the request of the prosecutor's office. According to the news in the Bolivian press, Zuniga, who was accused of managing the coup attempt, was arrested after leaving the General Staff Headquarters and then taken to the prosecutor's office by a police vehicle. Meanwhile, the prosecutor's office announced that a comprehensive investigation has been launched into the allegations of a coup attempt and the events that took place.

Coup attempt in Bolivia suppressed! Former commander Zuniga, who managed the coup attempt, is under arrest


Bolivian President Arce stated that some military units in the country were mobilized improperly and asked the army to respect democracy. In the images reflected on social media, it was seen that a military armored vehicle tried to forcibly enter the government palace in the administrative capital La Paz. Tear gas and water cannons were used to intervene against the citizens who reacted to the soldiers.

Arce spoke face to face with Zuniga, who tried to forcibly enter the government palace, and demanded that the soldiers withdraw immediately. In his national address, Arce called on the people to remain calm and said, "Bolivia's President and ministers are at their posts, and I invite the people to protect democracy. Soldiers must withdraw immediately and return to their duties. I want them to respect democracy and the constitution."

Upon Arce's call, thousands of people took to the streets and protested the military coup attempt. Upon the order of Jose Wilson Sanchez, the newly appointed commander of the Bolivian army, the soldiers who attempted the coup returned to their units.

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