"A heartbreaking incident occurred in Ukraine. Firefighter Serhiy Zamesov rushed to the scene to extinguish a fire after a Russian missile fell on his own house. However, he found his wife Inna's lifeless body in the wreckage of their home. Serhiy was forced to be taken away from his wife's body by his colleagues while crying. This painful moment revealed the horrifying face of the war in Ukraine. The couple's 10-year-old son was also seriously injured in the same attack and was taken to the hospital. The incident took place in the village of Velikiy Burluk in the Kharkiv region, close to the front line. The Kharkiv emergency service stated that a firefighter being called to his own house is the worst-case scenario. Despite his great pain, Serhiy had to continue his duty. Meanwhile, it is reported that in the areas occupied by Russia, Ukrainian children are being sent to military camps and receiving weapons training. According to British sources, so far 550,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or injured."