SSK Retirees: According to the last digit of the allocation number, SSK retirees have started to receive their increased pensions as of January 17, and payments will continue until January 26. Bağ-Kur Retirees: Increased pension payments for Bağ-Kur retirees will begin on January 25. 1,969 TL DIFFERENCE PAYMENTDue to the increase of the lowest pension to 14,469 TL, a difference payment of 1,969 TL will be made to retirees who previously received 12,500 TL. This difference payment is planned to be made in February. PENSION DETAILS ON E-GOVERNMENTRetirees can view their salary details by entering the "Retirement Monthly Payment Information" section through the e-Government system. This section includes base salary, additional payment, and net monthly information. However, calculations based on the new base salary of 14,469 TL have not yet been updated; these figures will be updated after the law comes into effect. IMPACT OF THE LOWEST RETIREMENT PENSION ON THE TREASURYWith the increase of the lowest retirement pension to 14,469 TL, it is estimated that the number of people who will be paid this amount will reach 3 million 870 thousand. This regulation is expected to create an annual cost of approximately 47.7 billion TL. INCREASE DIFFERENCES FOR CIVIL SERVANT RETIREESCivil servant retirees received their salaries without an increase at the beginning of January. The increase difference of 11.54% for these retirees will be paid additionally in the last week of January.