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The new tactic of scammers! They instantly withdraw money from citizens who write the cancellation code.

The new tactic of scammers! They instantly withdraw money from citizens who write the cancellation code.

23.09.2024 10:51

With the new school year, there has been an increase in internet fraud cases. Especially students are becoming targets of fraud methods that request the sharing of codes sent to them, even though they did not place any orders. Citizens who write the code sent to cancel the order have their money withdrawn immediately.


With the start of the new academic year, scammers continue their activities through websites and applications. Especially, scammers who follow students ordering food online try to trap those who have not placed an order by sending messages that say, 'We have sent you a code. Please tell us this code so we can cancel your food order,' creating an atmosphere of 'mistake' in their communication.


Lawyer Asiye Tuğçe Çakır, explaining the scammers' method, said, "This situation has been happening quite frequently to our citizens lately. They call you from any food ordering application you have used, saying 'you have placed a food order.' Then, when you say 'I don't have such an order,' they say it is enough for you to give them the code they sent to your number to cancel it, and as soon as you provide the code, they can withdraw money from you."

The new tactic of scammers! They withdraw money instantly from citizens who enter the cancellation code


Çakır, explaining ways to protect against the scammers' methods, said, "Recently, the use of information systems to defraud citizens has increased. Especially with students returning to school, the increase in food orders has led scammers to adopt this method. The only way to protect yourself from them is not to trust those who call you in this way. Afterwards, you need to check where the code came from. You can confirm that you did not place an order from this site by talking to your family members and friends nearby, and if necessary, you can easily protect yourself by contacting the administrators of the application you are using."


Çakır explained what to do after experiencing a scam, saying, "First, you can file a complaint at the courthouse or the nearest police station. However, we always recommend that you report to the nearest law enforcement agency to open a case as soon as possible and to initiate an investigation. Scammers have found a new method since their records are getting worse and prison seems imminent. They take the information of citizens with clean records in exchange for a commission and send money to their accounts. They also pay a commission to this intermediary to withdraw the money from there. Therefore, our request from our citizens is not to share your IBAN information with people whose jobs you do not know and whose source of money you do not know, or if you do not know where the money coming into your account is from, it would be beneficial to report to the nearest law enforcement agency or the public prosecutor's office. You can ensure an investigation is opened with a petition stating that you do not know where the money came from, allowing you to clear yourself more easily."


Fatih Olgunçelik, who occasionally receives messages from scammers, said, "I received similar messages a while ago. Messages come as cargo or food orders. I delete them without reading, and I recommend this to my friends as well. I have heard that there are scams in these messages, so I do not open them."

The new tactic of scammers! They withdraw money instantly from citizens who enter the cancellation code


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