A driver undergoing driving training in Haryana, India, crashed into five people sitting by the roadside with a vehicle that went out of control. The accident, in which two people were seriously injured, was captured moment by moment by security cameras. The incident occurred on Thursday, January 4, at 14:50 in the city of Kaithal, where the driver, who was trying to learn to drive near the grain market, accidentally pressed the accelerator instead of the brake. The out-of-control vehicle moved towards five traders sitting by the roadside. In the security camera footage, it can be seen that three people immediately got up due to the impact of the crash, while the other two were dragged under the vehicle for a while. The two seriously injured individuals were immediately taken to the hospital. Witnesses emphasized that the area where the accident occurred was not suitable for driver training and stressed that authorities should take necessary precautions. While the police launched an investigation into the incident, it was announced that efforts would be made for trainee drivers to receive training in safer areas. In a statement from the hospital regarding the health status of the injured, it was reported that their treatments were ongoing.