A broadcaster named Kartal Bulut D., who conducts live broadcasts on social media, has drawn reactions for videos in which he insults and curses religion, the Prophet Muhammad, and Zübeyde Hanım, the mother of Atatürk. HE WAS DETAINEDIn response to the situation, the Karşıyaka Chief Public Prosecutor's Office initiated an investigation into the incident. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Kartal Bulut D., and the foul-mouthed individual was detained by the Security Branch Directorate forces who arrived at his address. "GO AND FILE A COMPLAINT"Kartal Bulut D. was also seen responding to the reactions he received by saying, "go and file a complaint." In his statement at the police station, he mentioned that he had consumed alcohol during the broadcasts. After the proceedings, the foul-mouthed individual was referred to the courthouse and was arrested and sent to prison.