Famous showman Mehmet Ali Erbil, who is facing up to 3 years in prison in an illegal betting and bribery investigation, has recently come to the fore with his remarks about the high cost of living. "THIS IS WRONG, THIS TURKEY"Spotted at a shopping mall, the famous showman stated that a coat costs 60,000 TL, saying, "This Turkey is burnt! How am I supposed to buy this with my retirement salary? A coat costs 60,000 TL. I'd rather walk around naked." SIGNING EVERY WEEKMehmet Ali Erbil was recently taken into custody along with many suspects, including Serdar Ortaç. Erbil and Ortaç were sentenced to house arrest. The decision regarding Erbil was lifted upon the appeal of his lawyers. The court ruled that Erbil must sign in every week. As part of the judicial control measure, Erbil goes to the police station every week to sign.