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The professions that will disappear after 2030 have been identified.

The professions that will disappear after 2030 have been identified.

20.09.2024 09:40

According to research from Oxford University, many professions will lose their functionality due to artificial intelligence and automation within the next 10 years. These professions include cashiering, fast food workers, postal services, bank employees, and printing operators. On the other hand, professions such as artificial intelligence engineering, robotics engineering, cybersecurity expertise, software and application development, game development, and digital marketing expertise will emerge in prominence over the next 10 years.

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The rapid development of technology is causing significant changes with the integration of artificial intelligence and automation into the business world. While digital tools are taking over routine tasks in many sectors, some professions are at risk of completely disappearing.

Especially by the year 2030, it is expected that many job sectors will be replaced by next-generation technologies. These changes make it critical to understand which professions will not be able to sustain their existence in the future in terms of career planning. So, which professions are at the highest risk of disappearing in the next 10 years?


According to NTV's news, research from Oxford University indicates that many professions will lose their functionality due to artificial intelligence and automation in the next 10 years. Some professions that were popular in the past will become obsolete during this process.

Professions that will disappear after 2030 have been identified


Digital transformation and technological advancement make it mandatory to consider the requirements of the era in career choices. Here are the professional groups expected to stand out in the next 10 years:

  • Artificial Intelligence Engineering

  • Robotics Engineering

  • Cybersecurity Expertise

  • Software and Application Development

  • Game Development

  • Digital Marketing Expertise

Professions that will disappear after 2030 have been identified


On the other hand, the following professions are among those at risk of disappearing in the upcoming period:

  • Travel Consulting

  • Cashiering

  • Fast Food Workers

  • Mail Delivery

  • Bank Employee

  • Printing Operator


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