The Antalya Police Department has initiated a three-month operation under the instruction of the Antalya Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding the crime of "promoting, facilitating, and providing premises for prostitution." Following the information obtained that women were being forced into prostitution in the city, the teams launched the operation. PROSTITUTION RING DISMANTLEDThe Public Order Branch teams launched a simultaneous operation named "Gamebreaker" in Antalya, Izmir, and Adana. In the operation, 23 victimized women who were forced into prostitution were rescued. A total of 15 suspects, including 8 men, were apprehended. 13 PEOPLE ARRESTEDDuring the searches conducted at the addresses, 7 unlicensed handguns and 172 cartridges belonging to the guns, 352,725 Turkish liras, a sum of foreign currency, as well as numerous digital materials and sexually explicit materials were seized. Of the suspects taken into custody, 13 were arrested by the judicial authorities to which they were referred. "NO ONE CAN DISRUPT OUR GAME"During the investigations, it was learned that the suspects spoke among themselves saying, "No one can catch us, and the police can't do anything to us. No one can disrupt our game because our brothels are protected like a fortress." THEY GAVE THE VICTIMIZED WOMEN THE CODE NAME "BOX"It was also determined that the suspects forced victims who did not want to work to do so under the threat of weapons, that they coerced the victims into prostitution with 25 individuals daily, and that they referred to the victimized women among themselves by the code name "Box" and addressed them in this way.