The phenomenon series "Leyla," which meets with viewers on Wednesday evenings, has revealed the fate of Gamze Karaduman, who plays the role of "Ferda," the sister of Tufo (Halil İbrahim Ceyhan) and the wife of Mali (Yiğit Kirazcı). THE REASON FOR LEAVING THE SERIES HAS BEEN REVEALEDThe reason for Karaduman's departure from the series, who has not been part of the story in recent weeks and whose name was suddenly removed from the show's credits, has become a topic of curiosity. According to information shared by Birsen Altuntaş, it has been revealed that the famous actress, who gained great acclaim for her performance in the series "Ömer" and shone in "Leyla," left the series due to health issues. It has been learned that Karaduman mutually agreed with the production company to withdraw from the project. "FERDA" WILL BE PLAYED BY ANOTHER ACTOR It has been stated that the character "Ferda," portrayed by Karaduman in the series, will be played by another actor. The new actor who will take on the role of Ferda has not yet been determined.