The regulations regarding couriers came into effect today.

The regulations regarding couriers came into effect today.

08.03.2025 14:40

New regulations regarding fast delivery services offered through websites, mobile sites, or applications have come into effect. According to these regulations, couriers are required to report their working hours to the Information Technologies and Communications Authority. Penalties will be imposed on employees working outside of these hours.

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Recently, an important change has been implemented regarding the courier services, which have been increasing in number in Turkey. Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu announced that the Regulation Amending the Authorization Regulation Regarding the Postal Sector has been published in the Official Gazette and has come into force. Minister Uraloğlu stated, "Companies providing fast delivery services through digital platforms have been included within the scope of the postal sector. A definition of postal services linked to the platform has been made, and the authorization conditions for service providers have been determined, and the existing authorization conditions have been updated."

Stating that the regulation regarding courier services provided through digital platforms, which became a necessity during the pandemic and has grown into a sector, aims to increase consumer satisfaction and service quality, Minister Uraloğlu said, "These services initially started with the transportation of basic food products but have gradually expanded. The sudden growth in the sector created the need for regulation on the subject."


Minister Uraloğlu pointed out that similar services are also evaluated within the scope of the postal sector in European Union (EU) countries, stating, "As in EU examples, we have included these services within the scope of the postal sector and determined the authorization and supervision conditions. Thus, we will ensure issues such as service quality, consumer satisfaction, and shipment security."


Stating that companies providing the mentioned service will be placed under supervision, especially regarding service quality and consumer satisfaction, Uraloğlu said, "Previously, no institution was supervising this area. There were serious problems in addressing complaints. Now, thanks to the authorization and supervision conditions, we expect a decrease in consumer complaints."

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu announced that new regulations regarding fast delivery services provided through websites, mobile sites, or applications have come into force. Minister Uraloğlu stated, "Thanks to the obligation to report the working hours of couriers to the Information Technologies and Communications Authority, we will prevent working hours that are contrary to the legislation and the negative consequences associated with them."


Minister Uraloğlu stated that the new regulation also brings significant innovations in terms of environmental sustainability, saying, "We are imposing obligations to minimize negative externalities. Additionally, thanks to the obligation to report the working hours of couriers to the Information Technologies and Communications Authority, we will prevent working hours that are contrary to the legislation and the negative consequences associated with them."


Minister Uraloğlu stated that the regulation will prevent illegal postal services, saying, "The services will be provided in a more planned and systematic manner. Thus, both service quality will increase, and administrative sanctions can be applied when necessary."


The Information Technologies and Communications Authority (BTK) had presented this critical regulation regarding the courier sector to the public for consultation. The regulation included practices such as the obligation for couriers to report their working hours to the BTK and the imposition of penalties on those operating outside these hours. Additionally, under the regulation, fast delivery companies will be required to open depots or branches in at least 3 cities in 7 geographical regions.


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