The son of Indian billionaire Anant Ambani and his wife Radhika Merchant, the richest man in Asia, got married in a star-studded ceremony in Mumbai, attended by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, John Cena, Nick Jonas, and Tony Blair. Anant Ambani, the son of India's richest man, married Radhika Merchant in a grand ceremony after seven months of extravagant pre-wedding celebrations. IT COST $600 MILLIONThe long-awaited extravagant event is reported to have cost approximately $600 million. This amount does not include the $200 million worth of luxury wedding gifts and the attendance of the world's most famous A-list celebrities. In the latest footage from the wedding, the bride is seen holding hands with her new husband Anant, adorned in heavy cream and red traditional Indian bridal attire, complete with jewelry and beaded headscarf. The happy groom was seen smiling at his new wife during the traditional Hindu ceremony, held at the Ambani-owned Jio World Convention Center, which has a capacity of 16,000 people and featured a red beaded jacket. TIGHT SECURITY MEASURES WERE TAKENPolice closed off the roads surrounding the venue ahead of the massive star-studded wedding celebration, which took place this afternoon. Earlier in the day, Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries, and his wife Nita Ambani, the president of Reliance Foundation, proudly posed for photos. The Ambani family and Bollywood stars were among the first guests to be photographed on the grand pink carpet of the wedding.