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The runaway excavation truck crushed 9 vehicles like paper.

The runaway excavation truck crushed 9 vehicles like paper.

26.09.2024 10:31

In Hatay, an accident occurred when a dump truck loaded with sand malfunctioned in its braking system and collided with 9 vehicles, resulting in 5 injuries. As footage of the accident emerged, the Hatay Governorship initiated strict inspections on heavy vehicle traffic in the area. Tuncay Demirel, a tradesman who was caught in the accident at his workplace, stated, "We barely escaped with a narrow margin of just two steps. Our business suffered damage of approximately 200,000 TL. As a community that has experienced a major earthquake, we almost went through a second earthquake."

Last Sunday, a Mercedes Benz brand excavation truck loaded with sand, which experienced a brake system failure, crashed into a total of 9 vehicles, both in motion and parked. Five citizens in the vehicles that were turned into scrap were injured in the accident. After the horrific accident, the scene resembled a battlefield, and footage showing the vehicles crushed like paper emerged.

The excavation truck with failed brakes crushed 9 vehicles like paper


In the footage, it was seen that the excavation truck practically mowed down the parked and moving vehicles. The Hatay Governorship initiated strict inspections to prevent heavy vehicles from using streets and roads that are closed to heavy vehicle traffic after frequent truck and lorry accidents in the area.

The excavation truck with failed brakes crushed 9 vehicles like paper


Merchant Tuncay Demirel, who was caught in the accident at his workplace, stated that his business was damaged, saying, "We escaped death with my father at our workplace during the excavation truck accident that occurred last Sunday; we narrowly avoided disaster by just a couple of steps. We suffered significant material and moral damage here. Our business incurred approximately 200,000 TL in damages. We want the company to cover our losses. God protected us; we narrowly escaped a major disaster. As a community that has experienced a major earthquake, we almost experienced a second earthquake. Nine vehicles were totaled, and the sound of the accident was terrible," he said.

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