The series Kötü Kan, featuring names such as Ertan Saban, Damla Sönmez, Hüseyin Avni Danyal, Levent Ülgen, and Zafer Algöz, was broadcast every Friday evening. A final decision has been made for the series. Just as this final decision was being discussed, a final decision was also made for the series Kör Nokta, starring Rabia Soytürk and İsmail Ege Şaşmaz. Following these two series, bad news came from the series Taş Kağıt Makas, which was considered among the ambitious productions. NEW NAMES DID NOT HELP EITHERThe series Taş Kağıt Makas, with a screenplay written by Uğraş Güneş and directed by Volkan Keskin, also included Hande Doğandemir and Uraz Kaygılaroğlu in its cast this season. However, the series, which could not achieve the desired success in ratings, will bid farewell to its audience in the 19th episode.