Asli Fernández, known for her nail designs on social media and having 124 thousand followers, passed away during a "post-maternity beauty operation."
The 30-year-old mother of two, Fernández, had traveled from Tijuana to Monterrey for tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast lift surgeries. Her husband, Christian Carreón, announced the tragic news on social media on January 7.
In his post, Carreón stated, "You were someone very loved and appreciated, my dear. I ask everyone to respect our pain regarding the news circulating today."
Fernández, known for her posts about nail care and running her own clinic, had written on social media as the new year began, "This year will smell of money, ambition, health, and success." She had planned nail design courses in Mexicali and Tijuana for March.
Her followers expressed their sorrow over the young woman's sudden death with messages like "I can't believe you're no longer with us" and "We'll meet in heaven, my friend, I will miss you so much."
A similar incident occurred this year when 30-year-old Instagram influencer Elena Larrea also passed away due to a blood clot after a liposuction operation.
According to officials, the recovery time for these procedures, known as "post-maternity beauty operations," typically takes 2-4 weeks to return to normal life, while full recovery can take up to 6 months. An investigation into Fernández's death is ongoing.