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The statement of the assassin who killed the high school vice principal has emerged! All arrows point to the same gang.

The statement of the assassin who killed the high school vice principal has emerged! All arrows point to the same gang.

05.07.2024 17:03

D.G., who shot high school vice principal Mahir Çoğaç in his car while going to school in Kocaeli, said in his statement to the prosecutor's office, "They told us that if we kill a person with a gun, they will take us to Greece and give us money, a car, and a house." The connection between D.S. and Y.A., who gave the order for the murder, and the 'Bayğaralar Gang' is being investigated.

In the incident where Mahir Çoğaç (48), the Deputy Principal of Fevzi Çakmak Anatolian High School in Kocaeli, was killed, the statement of D. G. (17), who used the gun, was revealed. D. G. claimed that the order for the murder was given by D. S. and Y. A., who are fugitives in Greece, and said, "They told us that if we kill someone with a gun, they will take us to Greece and give us money, a car, and a house." D. G. stated that they made a reconnaissance on the street the day before the incident and went to a house in Istanbul by taxi after the incident, saying, "Everyone knew what their job was and just did their job."

The incident took place on June 26th in Fatih Street, Çayırova district of Kocaeli. Mahir Çoğaç, the Deputy Principal of Fevzi Çakmak Anatolian High School, left his house to go to school and got into his car parked on the street. While Çoğaç was fastening his seatbelt, the suspect, who had been waiting on the opposite side of the street for about an hour, approached the car, shot Çoğaç in the head with a gun, and then fled on foot. Mahir Çoğaç, who was taken to Gebze Fatih State Hospital by an ambulance dispatched to the scene, could not be saved. Çoğaç's funeral was held at the school where he was on duty on June 27th and he was buried in Akse Cemetery in the same district.


The Kocaeli Police Department, Criminal Investigation Branch, Homicide Bureau launched an investigation into the incident. After technical and physical surveillance, the police detained the perpetrator and the suspect who was with him during the incident. Expanding the investigation based on the statements, the police detained 9 more people in operations in Kocaeli, Istanbul, and Adana on June 27th and brought them to Kocaeli Provincial Police Department. After completing the procedures on July 1st, D. G., who was determined to be the perpetrator of the murder, and other suspects B. Y. (20), O. D. (18), H. Z. (22), E. K. (32), M. Ç. (27), L. A. (44), M. Ö. (24), A. H. (53), E. B. (39), and T. Ö. were referred to Gebze Courthouse after their statements were taken. D. G., B. Y., M. Ç., O. D., H. Z., T. Ö., E. K., and M. Ö. were arrested, while L. A., A. H., and E. B. were released under judicial control.

The statement of the triggerman who killed the deputy principal of the high school is revealed! All arrows point to the same gang


It is claimed that the murder is connected to the gang known as the 'Bayğaralar Gang' in Adana. It was revealed that Emin Çoğaç, the brother of Mahir Çoğaç, is one of the suspects in the murder of Bedirhan Bayğara (36) from the Baygara family, which took place in a cafe in Adana on January 13, 2020, and is still at large. It was learned that armed clashes occasionally occurred between the Çoğaç and Bayğara families, who had been enemies for many years, after the murder of Bedirhan Bayğara. It was alleged that the 'Bayğaralar Gang' ordered the death of Mahir Çoğaç, the brother of Emin Çoğaç, after the murder of Bedirhan Bayğara.


According to the allegation, D. G. and B. Y. (20), members of the gang who came to Çayırova district of Kocaeli, followed Mahir Çoğaç. The triggerman, D. G., shot Mahir Çoğaç in the head with a gun while he was getting into his car on the street in front of his house and killed him. It was also claimed that B. Y. acted as a lookout on the opposite side of the street. The triggerman D. G. and B. Y., who were involved in the murder, were captured in Istanbul by the Homicide Bureau of the Criminal Investigation Branch on the same day. Meanwhile, it was also alleged that Ramazan Bayğara, the leader of the organization who is wanted with a red notice and was captured in Greece in May, was one of the people who ordered the death of Mahir Çoğaç.

The statement of the triggerman who killed the deputy principal of the high school is revealed! All arrows point to the same gang


The statement of the triggerman D. G. at Gebze Chief Public Prosecutor's Office was revealed. D. G. claimed that the order was given by Y. A. and D. S., who are fugitives in Greece, and said, "I have known B. Y., whom I have known for a long time, through whom I met Y. A. and D. S. face to face and became friends. They had never asked me for anything before. On the night between June 23rd and June 24th, Y. A. and D. S. called B. Y., with whom I live together, and asked if we could commit a murder. We said we could do it. They told us to wait for news and hung up the phone."

D. G. explained that they were promised money, a car, and a house in Greece after the murder, saying, "On the morning of Monday, June 24th, they contacted us through B. Y.'s phone. They told us to kill someone with a gun and in return, they would take us to Greece and give us money, a car, and a house there. Since our relationship with our family was strained, we moved into a bachelor house with B. Y., and we were living together there. We accepted this offer. I had never been involved in such an incident before. They told B. Y. that he would be entrusted to him, and B. Y. left the house and went somewhere, but I don't know where. When he returned home, he had 1 phone, 2 guns, and some money with him."


D. G. also explained the instructions they received, saying, "They started to contact us through the phone that B. Y. and I had. They told us to go to a hotel in Kartal and stay there until they notified us. We went to the hotel on our own means. After going to the hotel, we didn't go outside. We only went out once, 1 day before the incident, when Y. A. called us and said that a taxi was sent to the front of the hotel and told us to get in the taxi and go to the place where we would commit the murder to learn more about it. We got in the taxi sent to the front of the hotel and went to the crime scene. After making a reconnaissance, we returned to the hotel and didn't sleep that night."

The statement of the triggerman who killed the deputy principal of the high school is revealed! All arrows point to the same gang


D. G. described the day of the murder, saying, "They started to contact us through the phone that B. Y. and I had. They told us to go to a hotel in Kartal and stay there until they notified us. We went to the hotel on our own means. After going to the hotel, we didn't go outside. We only went out once, 1 day before the incident, when Y. A. called us and said that a taxi was sent to the front of the hotel and told us to get in the taxi and go to the place where we would commit the murder to learn more about it. We got in the taxi sent to the front of the hotel and went to the crime scene. After making a reconnaissance, we returned to the hotel and didn't sleep that night."

"D. S. and Y. A. contacted us in the morning and told us that the time had come and we needed to do what was asked of us. We agreed and got into the commercial taxi that they had called and sent to the hotel. There, B. Y. and I sat and waited for a while, but B. Y. got a little scared. So, he told me that he would wait for me a little further ahead and protect me if there was a problem. We agreed with B. Y. that when the person got into the car, I would start shooting and running, and he would continue running with me. After seeing the person leave the house and get into the car, I waited for him to get in and as soon as he did, I fired a shot inside through the closed driver's window and started running. I didn't know if he was dead or alive at that moment. I don't know the person either. While I was running, a few people started chasing me, but B. Y. and I managed to escape them by running. After making sure that no one was following us, we continued our way by hiding the guns we had with us next to the wall. We found an empty truck garage and hid behind a truck there. Using the phone that B. Y. had, we called D. S. and Y. A. and told them that we had taken care of the job. Upon their request, we sent them our location and started waiting. The taxi that was supposed to pick us up was already waiting for us and it came quickly. I had never seen the taxi driver before. He took us without asking anything."

The statement of the hitman who killed the deputy principal of the high school revealed! All arrows point to the same gang


D. Y., who also explained that they went to Istanbul by taxi after the incident, said, "We set off towards Pendik by taxi and picked up another unfamiliar person under the Pendik bridge. This person described a house in Pendik and took us there. We couldn't open the door of the house and at that moment, Y. A. and D. S. called us and said that they found another house, told us to go to that house, and sent us a taxi to take. When we got off in front of the door, there were 2 taxis waiting in front and back. We were not told which taxi to get into. We got into the taxi behind and sent the location to the taxi driver. B. Y. and I got into that taxi, the other person left because he couldn't open the door," he said.


D. Y., who said that he was caught by the police, said, "The taxi driver took us to the specified location and there we met a person whose name I later learned was Erdal. Erdal took us to the residence where we were caught and settled us here. We didn't talk about anything while in the taxi or with Erdal. Everyone knew what their job was and just did it. After arriving at the house, I went to sleep directly and when I woke up, I saw the police at the door. I regret what I did a lot," he said.

The statement of the hitman who killed the deputy principal of the high school revealed! All arrows point to the same gang


D. Y. also said about the murder of Çoğaç, "D. S. and Y. A. asked us to do this incident. They are already fugitives in Greece and are always together. I spoke with these individuals on the phone many times while we were staying at the hotel. That's why I am sure of their identities," he said.

The prosecutor's office is investigating whether D. S. and Y. A. have any connection to the Bayğaralar Gang. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

The statement of the hitman who killed the deputy principal of the high school revealed! All arrows point to the same gang

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