The amount that taxpayers can receive as a refund without any audit, sworn financial advisor (YMM) report, or collateral due to transactions that give rise to the right to a refund in value-added tax (VAT) has been increased to 50 thousand lira.
The amendment to the General Application Communiqué on Value Added Tax published by the Revenue Administration of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance has been published in the Official Gazette. NO LUXURY TAX EXEMPTIONIn the communiqué, regulations were made in accordance with the Law on Amendments to the Tax Laws and Certain Laws and the Decree Law No. 375 published in the Official Gazette in August. Accordingly, the communiqué included details regarding the regulation that VAT exemption will not be applied to services provided at ports for entertainment and sightseeing vessels, private yachts, and boats mentioned in the law. The exemption provisions regarding the delivery, maintenance-repair, and manufacturing of sea, air, and railway vehicles suitable for freight and passenger transportation were also added to the communiqué. "EXEMPTION GRANTED TO DISASTER AREA"Transactions related to the construction of real estate located in areas accepted as disaster zones to be donated to public administrations with general budgets, as well as the delivery of housing to be donated to public administrations with general budgets to foreign state institutions and organizations, were also regulated by the communiqué. Additionally, the communiqué included a regulation that allows the professional receipt to be issued in the name of the losing party in cases where the attorney's fees charged to the other party by courts or enforcement and bankruptcy directorates are paid to the attorney. Thus, the differences between VAT legislation and income tax legislation were eliminated. SMALL REFUND REQUESTS WILL BE PROCESSED QUICKLYTo ensure the rapid processing of small refund requests without requiring a tax audit report, YMM report, and collateral, the lower limit in the current application has been increased from 10 thousand lira to 50 thousand lira per month. Thus, the amount that taxpayers can receive as a refund without any audit, YMM report, or collateral due to transactions that give rise to the right to a refund has been determined as 50 thousand lira. As part of the reduction of procedures for refunds in sectors with relatively low risk, it has been made possible to fulfill refund requests arising from exploration, operation, and enrichment activities related to gold, silver, and platinum without requiring a tax audit report, YMM report, and collateral. Public service institutions and organizations, as well as municipalities, will be evaluated as services provided within the scope of any business's commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities. The principles regarding the issuance of VAT exemption documents requested based on investment incentive certificates issued in the name of these institutions and organizations have been determined if they have separate economic enterprises within the scope of commercial activities. In the execution of refunds, the limits for requesting documents related to the Discounted Collateral Application System and the Accelerated Refund System Certificate, which positively discriminate in favor of tax-compliant taxpayers, have been updated based on the revaluation rate.