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The verified advertisement period in real estate is starting! Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions.

The verified advertisement period in real estate is starting! Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions.

15.09.2024 11:30

The "verified advertisement" regulation, which will be implemented in the real estate sector to protect consumer rights and prevent price manipulations with fake advertisements, is being put into effect as of today by the Ministry of Trade. Starting from January 1, 2025, advertisements cannot be posted on real estate portals without authorization verification. Here are the details that are of interest regarding this regulation.

Authentication application will be activated by the advertisement platforms starting from today without breaking the current HTML. The application will start completely from January 1, 2025, and after this date, advertisements cannot be placed through real estate portals without authentication.


According to the information provided by the real estate sector, there are currently 70 thousand real estate agents who have obtained authorization certificates from the Ministry. 20 thousand real estate offices have also applied to obtain authorization certificates. The expectation is that the number of authorized real estate agents will reach 90 thousand by the end of the year. According to the news in Sözcü, the regulation will be supervised by the Ministry of Commerce. So what does the new regulation bring? Here are the details of the real estate regulation:

What is a verified advertisement and for what purpose will it be implemented?

Citizens will select their own real estate on e-Government and authorize their real estate agents through the window that will open, and real estate agents will be able to place advertisements on real estate portals with the authorization they have received. These advertisements will be published as "verified advertisements". In the new application, the process of placing real estate advertisements on websites will be formalized. The regulation will be implemented in order to prevent consumer victimization and to prevent price manipulations that citizens encounter with fake advertisements. In addition, unauthorized real estate agents will be prevented from placing advertisements, and illegal real estate brokerage will also be combated.

How many real estate agents can be authorized for the same property?

It will be possible to authorize multiple real estate agencies for the same property. In case there are other advertisements related to the same property on the advertisement platforms, shortcuts or links containing price information of the other advertisement will be included.

Will the verification of rental property advertisements be mandatory?

EİDS authentication application will be mandatory for both sale and rental property advertisements. Daily rental properties, housing projects that have not yet established condominium ownership, Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKİ) and Emlak Konut Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) housing projects, and properties with shanty status without any title deed for any reason will not be included in the application. In addition, advertisements related to properties without title deeds can be included on platforms, but in the entry of these advertisements, a marking indicating that the property does not have a title deed will be made and this situation will also be stated in the advertisement.

Can citizens publish their own advertisements on real estate portals without authorizing a real estate agent?

Individuals can publish their own advertisements related to real estate on real estate portals as verified advertisements, as well as advertisements related to real estate owned by their first-degree relatives, spouse, mother, father, and children.

Is it possible to cancel the authorization given after authorization?

It will be possible to cancel the authorization given by the property owner on the e-Government authorization screen, but if the authorization is canceled, the advertisement will not be automatically removed from publication.

How long will the authorization period for authorized real estate agents be?

The period of authorization to be made by the property owner on the authorization screen will be a minimum of 3 months, and the period can be extended by the property owner from the same screen.

Will the verified advertisement also be valid in the automotive sector?

The regulation will be initially implemented in real estate sector advertisements. However, in the future, the verified advertisement regulation will also be implemented in automotive sales.

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