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The villagers were shaken by this event! The sacred relic was stolen on the night of the candle.

The villagers were shaken by this event! The sacred relic was stolen on the night of the candle.

19.09.2024 15:36

On the night of Mevlit Kandili in Rize, villagers who wanted to visit the Sacred Beard, which has been exhibited for 70 years, were shocked to find that the holy relic was not there. Upon realizing that the Sacred Beard had been stolen from the mosque, the gendarmerie was notified. The villagers, who want the Sacred Beard to be found as soon as possible, are calling for their voices to be heard so that the perpetrator or perpetrators can be punished.


In the incident that took place in the village of Akpınar in Rize, the Sacred Beard, which has been displayed in the village mosque during blessed days and nights for 70 years, was stolen. As soon as it was understood that the sacred relic could not be found, the gendarmerie was immediately notified. An investigation was initiated by the gendarmerie, which conducted an examination at the mosque regarding the theft.

Villagers were shaken by this theft! The sacred relic was stolen on the night of the Kandil

The congregation of Akpınar Village Mosque wanted to observe the Mevlit Kandili in their mosque. When the administrators, who wanted to bring the Sacred Beard stored in the cupboard of the Mosque Foundation's room in the dormitory of the mosque, opened the cupboard, they were shocked to find it missing. Muhammet Ergin, one of the villagers, stated in his remarks that when they opened the box to bring the Sacred Beard to the mosque, they saw that it was not there, saying, "The Sacred Beard was taken from our village and taken away from here. It is not clear when it was taken. Was it taken on the night of the Kandil? That is also uncertain. We were victimized on the night of the Kandil. We want it to be found and returned. Hopefully, it will be found soon. It was understood that it was not there when they went to open the box on the night of the Mevlit. They could not find it in the camera recordings either. It needs to be found and brought back here," he expressed.


The villagers expressed that they were very sad because they wanted to see the Sacred Beard on the Mevlit Kandili but could not find it. Village resident Ali Yılmaz stated, "The Sacred Beard was stolen. It is not clear when it was stolen. We learned about the Mevlid on the night of the Kandil. It was the most beautiful relic of our village. I can say that we have been disgraced as Akpınar Village. It had spiritual value. It was the blessing of the village. We want it to be found as soon as possible," he said.

Villagers were shaken by this theft! Stolen from the mosque on the night of the Mevlit Kandili


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