The wedding dress placed on the grave of 8-year-old Narin Güran, who was brutally murdered, caused criticism. A citizen who came to Narin's grave, who lost her life due to sexual abuse when she was of school age, removed the veil and wedding dress and left a school uniform, lunchbox, and toy. Those who witnessed those moments couldn't hold back their tears. REMOVED THE VEIL AND WEDDING DRESS The death of 8-year-old Narin Güran, who was abused in Diyarbakır, plunged the whole of Turkey into mourning. After the burial of the little girl who fell victim to sexual abuse, a wedding dress, veil, and hundreds of flowers were left on her grave. The wedding dress, which was said to have been placed there because Narin wanted to wear it at her cousin's wedding, received a great deal of backlash. While Güran, who should have been going to school, was buried in the ground, a citizen removed the veil and wedding dress on the grave and replaced them with a school uniform, school bag, and toy. TOUCHING MOMENTS Narin Güran, who was taken to Tavşantepe Village in Diyarbakır and buried after being murdered, had red roses, hundreds of flowers, wreaths, and a wedding dress left on her grave. Placing a wedding dress on Narin's grave had received criticism. It was revealed that the wedding dress was placed there because Narin wanted to wear it at her cousin's wedding. A citizen who went to Narin's grave, who bid farewell to life at a young age, removed the wedding dress that was placed there. Instead of the wedding dress, the citizen left toys, a school bag, a school uniform, and plenty of flowers, touching those who saw it. MOTHER AND BROTHER IN CUSTODY After Narin, who went missing on August 21, was found dead on the 19th day of the search operation, 8 suspects, including the mother, brother, and uncle, were arrested. 4 people were released under judicial control. The number of detainees increased to 10 as part of the investigation. 10 people, including Narin's father, had been released by the prosecutor's office.