A 28-year-old woman working as an accountant at a multinational business process outsourcing (BPO) company in Pune was killed after being attacked with a sharp object by a colleague in the company's parking lot. The woman, who suffered severe injuries to her hand, died from her wounds while receiving treatment in the hospital. The incident occurred on Tuesday around 6:15 PM in the parking lot of the BPO company in Yerawada. The victim was identified as 28-year-old Shubhada Shankar Kodare, who resided in Katraj, while the attacker was identified as 30-year-old Krishna Satyanarayan Kanoja, living in Shivajinagar. Footage that emerged shows the attacker killing Shubhada with a cleaver in public and attempting to flee the scene. The video captures moments when the suspect was caught and beaten by the public after throwing the cleaver, and later handed over to the police. According to the police, it was learned that the victim had borrowed a sum of money from the suspect. The police reported that the suspect attacked and killed the woman with a cleaver in front of everyone due to a dispute over money. Detailing the events, the police stated that there had been some heated arguments between the two at the workplace on Tuesday. When Kodare left the office and reached the parking lot around 6:30 PM, the suspect followed her and launched the attack. The woman was immediately taken to a private hospital in Yerawada but died due to excessive blood loss.