A 22-year-old young man, who recently graduated from university in the Atakum district of Samsun, took his own life by jumping from the KYK dormitory building. A citizen recorded those moments with a mobile phone camera, capturing them second by second. JUMPED FROM THE KYK DORMITORYThe incident occurred around 3:30 PM at the KYK Cemal Safi Male Student Dormitory located on Vatan Street in the Yenimahalle neighborhood of Atakum district. It was learned that Doğuş Can Kavaklı (22), who recently graduated from the Guidance and Psychological Counseling department at OMU, came to the KYK dormitory to collect his belongings. For an unknown reason, the student climbed onto a chair he placed by the window and jumped from the 6th floor. CAPTURED ON MOBILE PHONE CAMERAThe young graduate lost his life at the scene. The moment of the incident was recorded by a citizen using a mobile phone camera. While the young man's body was taken to the morgue, an investigation was launched regarding the incident.