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The young man who put a snake in his mouth for a social media show in India lost his life due to the snake's bite.

The young man who put a snake in his mouth for a social media show in India lost his life due to the snake's bite.

17.09.2024 14:40

20-year-old Shiva Raju, who performed a dangerous snake show for social media in India, lost his life as a result of a cobra bite. Raju, who learned snake handling skills from his father, caught a cobra and was bitten during a risky show where he put the snake's head in his mouth. The young man, who was taken to the hospital, could not be saved. The incident highlighted the risks of producing dangerous content for social media. Officials said they would increase awareness-raising efforts among the public.

In the Indian state of Telangana, 20-year-old Shiva Raju, who performed a dangerous snake show for social media, lost his life as a result of a cobra bite. The incident took place in the village of Desayipet on Friday.

Raju, who learned the skill of snake handling from his father, caught the cobra found by a villager. On Thursday, the young man filmed his show with the snake and made a risky move by putting the cobra's head in his mouth. During this time, the cobra bit Raju.

After the incident, Raju returned home and informed his family about the situation. Family members immediately took the young man to a hospital in the region. However, despite all medical interventions, Raju could not be saved and lost his life due to the snake bite.

This tragic incident has raised concerns about the potential risks of producing dangerous content for social media. Experts warn especially young people to avoid life-threatening actions in order to gain followers or popularity.

Local authorities announced that they will carry out awareness campaigns to prevent similar incidents. Additionally, stricter regulations regarding contact with dangerous animals like snakes are planned.

While Raju's family is deeply saddened by the young man's death, discussions about social media pressure and risk-taking behaviors have also begun in the community.

Young man in India dies as a result of a snake bite after putting the snake in his mouth for a social media show

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