The mystery of 24-year-old Benazir Aydın, a mother of two living in the Seyitler neighborhood of Batman, who has been experiencing continuous sneezing since September 18, has yet to be solved. Aydın, who was first treated at Batman Training and Research Hospital, was transferred to Ankara Bilkent City Hospital on October 2. HER TREATMENT CONTINUES AT ANKARA BILKENT CITY HOSPITALAccording to information obtained by AA reporter from hospital officials, Aydın, who has been experiencing sneezing fits for 19 days, underwent numerous tests during the 5 days she was hospitalized. Aydın was examined by doctors from different specialties. It is reported that Aydın, whose tests are ongoing at Ankara Bilkent City Hospital to diagnose the illness, has experienced a slight reduction in sneezing fits as a result of the treatment, but they have not yet stopped.