In the investigation of the Narin Güran murder case in Diyarbakır, the first person to be arrested was her uncle, Salim Güran. The informant in the case, Nevzat Bahtiyar, claimed that Salim Güran gave him Narin's lifeless body. 'HE WAS OUR FRIEND' FOR THE FAMILYAfter the discovery of Narin's lifeless body, AK Party member Galip Ensarioğlu made a statement on a television program, saying "There are sometimes things that we don't know, or sometimes things that we know but shouldn't say, because the family is our friends." Ensarioğlu faced criticism for his remarks, but he stated that his words were distorted. TEA IN THE PARLIAMENT LOBBYAccording to a news report on Gerçek Gündem, a photo of Uncle Güran and Ensarioğlu drinking tea in the ruling party's lobby in the Parliament has emerged. The photo also includes two other individuals. NOT EVERYONE CAN ENTERNot every visitor can enter these lobbies in the Turkish Parliament. Only a member of parliament or their advisor can enter with them. Due to the direct access from the General Assembly doors, this area is heavily guarded by the Parliament police.