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They asked about Ibrahim Tatlıses' daughter who caused a disturbance on the plane, and his reaction was explosive.

They asked about Ibrahim Tatlıses' daughter who caused a disturbance on the plane, and his reaction was explosive.

18.09.2024 17:50

When Ibrahim Tatlıses heard the question about his daughter Dilan Çıtak, who caused a commotion on the plane and was put on the blacklist, he zipped his mouth shut.

In the past months, Dilan Çıtak, who is claimed to have raided her father İbrahim Tatlıses' house in Bodrum and thrown a remote control at him, caused a commotion on a passenger plane traveling from Bodrum to Istanbul the other day. When the plane approached the Istanbul airspace, Dilan Çıtak Tatlıses, who is said to belong to Tatlıses, started meowing like a cat. Upon this, Tatlıses took the cat out of the stroller and held it in his lap.


As the plane descended for landing at Istanbul Airport, a flight attendant warned Tatlıses to put the cat back in the stroller. However, an argument broke out between the two. In the footage that went viral on social media, it was seen that the famous singer walked on the flight attendant and even threatened her. Due to the incident, the pilot called the police to the plane. The flight attendant filed a complaint against Dilan Çıtak Tatlıses, who attacked her.


The incident in the showbiz agenda was asked to İbrahim Tatlıses in a press conference today. According to the footage of Aramızda Kalması, when asked about his daughter's fight, Tatlıses first made a 'silence gesture' and then did not want to talk about the subject.

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