The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has added 31 new products to the list of "Imitation or Adulterated Foods".
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has updated the list of "Imitation or Adulterated Foods". IMPORTED MEAT IN MEATBALLS AND GROUND MEATIt has been determined that some companies mix meat from single-toed and poultry animals into the ground meat and meatballs they sell to citizens in order to produce at a lower cost. The published list has been updated with 31 new products that are not missing from the tables. The list includes many products from red pepper powder to white cheese, from butter to yogurt, and from sumac to baklava. THEY FED CHICKEN MEAT AS BEEF MEATBALLSThe recently disclosed list also includes the company Genç Köfteci Çavuş, which operates in the Edremit district of Balıkesir. It was found that the beef meatballs sold by the company contained poultry meat. Additionally, it was found that the beef meatballs sold by the Uysallar Köfte company, which operates in the Kocasinan district of Kayseri, also contained poultry meat. THEY MADE BUFFALO YOGURT FROM COW'S MILKIt was determined that the buffalo yogurt sold by Avara Sucukları was made from cow's milk. Food coloring was found in sumac, and seed oils were found in olive oil. It was determined that the Safir brand baklava contained peanuts, and the Şanlı brand yogurt contained starch. In order for citizens to access healthy and reliable foods, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry continues to share the regularly updated lists with the public through the website "guvenilirgida.tarimorman.gov.tr". Here is the list published by the Ministry;