The Seyran of Yalı Çapkını, Afra Saraçoğlu, caused a stir when she wore skin-colored underwear under her white shirt. The successful actress Afra Saraçoğlu, who won the 'Stunning Achievement of the Year' award at the GQ Turkey Men of the Year 2025 Awards, made headlines with the poses she gave to the magazine. Among the most talked-about names of recent times, Saraçoğlu shared a photo from her makeup room on her actively used social media account. Those who saw the famous figure wearing skin-colored underwear under her white shirt mistook her for being naked. Comments like "I thought she was naked" came in regarding the beautiful actress's poses. Saraçoğlu had said, "The set of the series was like a school for me. Every encounter was a great chance, it took me one step further each time."