Law enforcement conducted an operation against the administrators of a group named "C31K" on Telegram and Discord due to bullying incidents occurring on these social media platforms. Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced that two individuals who made inappropriate posts on Telegram and Discord were apprehended. Minister Yerlikaya emphasized in a statement made on his social media account that the individual referred to as "Hz. Ebu Cehil" among the administrators of the group named "C31K," which is actively present on Telegram and Discord, was identified as a child named E.K. He stated that E.K. was taken under protection by the teams of Zile District Police Department in coordination with the Ankara Police Department, and announced that another child named A.T., referred to as "Arda Bateman," was also taken under protection by the Istanbul Police Department. "WE HAVE A SCORE TO SETTLE"Yerlikaya noted that the statements of the two individuals would be taken by the Public Prosecutor with the assistance of a psychologist, and he added: "We will show no mercy to those who try to poison our society, especially our beloved children and youth, with their perverse thoughts on social media. We have a score to settle with the bullies who force our children into sexual abuse and those who harbor tendencies of violence against women, spreading hatred and animosity. No matter where you hide in the cyber world, our cyber patrols will find you one by one and bring you to justice. I want our esteemed nation to know that our fight against criminal organizations inclined towards crimes such as violence against women and sexual abuse will continue in every field. We will not lose a single child, youth, or person due to drug dealers and perverse ideologies. As the Ministry of Interior, we exist to ensure peace and security with our 600,000 personnel. We will not take a step back from this." SHOCKING IMAGES ON DISCORD THAT CAUGHT THE POLICE'S ATTENTIONFollowing the recent increase in news about violence against women and femicides, social media platforms and messaging applications have come under the radar of law enforcement. It was revealed that some communities established on the application called Discord made horrific statements about all national and spiritual values, as well as topics like murder and death, under the guise of dark humor. It was learned that many individuals involved in the shocking images on Discord also made a living through blackmail, and in a video circulated on social media, a person was seen saying, "We earn money through blackmail," and "No one can stop us."