The Russia-Ukraine war began with the "special operation" announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the morning of February 24, 2022. The Russian army entered Ukrainian territory, and two and a half years have passed in the ongoing war, marked by both sides amassing weaponry along the front lines. Turkey, which has been in intense relations with both parties to stop the war, wanted to act as a mediator. Just before the ceasefire was about to be reached this summer, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a surprise visit to the capital Kiev to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. During this visit, Johnson stated, "I proposed a military training program to President Zelensky that could change the equation of the war." This step was a harbinger that the war would prolong further. Subsequently, a series of arms and ammunition support packages to Ukraine from Western countries, especially the USA, drew reactions from Moscow, which claimed, "The West is escalating the Ukraine war." TURKEY ONCE AGAIN ACTING AS A MEDIATORAt this point, a step closer to peace has been taken again. Erdoğan, who was in the USA for the UN summit, met with Zelensky. He told his counterpart that Turkey is ready to take every kind of facilitative step, including mediation, for a just and lasting peace. Numan Kurtulmuş, the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, who visited Moscow, also stated, "As Turkey, we are trying to do everything we can to ensure that there is a just and lasting peace in this tension between Russia and Ukraine, just as we do in all regional tensions." A CEASEFIRE PLAN FROM BRAZIL AND CHINAAt the same time, it was revealed that Brazil and China were preparing a peace plan for a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia. The plan is expected to be presented to 20 countries in the Global South within a few days. Countries such as Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and the UAE are also expected to support this plan. However, on September 24, Ukrainian President Zelensky stated in his speech at the UN General Assembly that countries seeking alternatives to the Ukrainian peace formula were acting together with Vladimir Putin, naming China and Brazil as the primary ones. Zelensky had already ended the peace talks even before they began. DOES ZELENSKY WANT MORE WAR INSTEAD OF PEACE?The Ukrainian leader rejects all these ceasefire and mediation efforts for his "Victory Plan." Zelensky, who refused to go into details about the "Victory Plan," stated that his plan, which he described as four phases, began with a cross-border operation into Russia's Kursk. He noted that the success of the plan "depends on Biden" and that whether the USA "provides the requirements of this plan to Ukraine" would be decisive. Thus, he announced that the background of Turkey's withdrawal from the ceasefire talks, which it tried to mediate earlier this summer, was also supported by the USA alongside the UK. WHAT IS THE REAL PLAN OF THE USA AND UK?The USA and the UK are considered a duo that increases solidarity within NATO by justifying Russia's aggression in this equation and sees themselves as playing a leading role here. Washington and London assess that if Russia gains control over Ukraine, its interests in the surrounding area could also be jeopardized. Thus, the two countries aim for the war to prolong, allowing Ukraine to resist without a ceasefire and thereby bleed Russia. WILL DREAMS BE SHATTERED?During his recent visit to the USA, Zelensky managed to secure an $8 billion new military aid package after meeting with the current president and vice president. However, during his meeting with Republican candidate Donald Trump, differences in views were also reflected in verbal expressions. Trump, known for opposing continuous military aid to Ukraine, told Zelensky during the meeting, "We have a very good relationship, and as you know, I have a very good relationship with President Putin." The atmosphere suddenly turned cold. Zelensky immediately interjected, saying, "I hope your relationship with me will be even better." In those moments, Trump once again suggested that Zelensky was also to blame for the situation. Trump stated, "You also have a responsibility in what has happened." This meeting was interpreted as a sign that Zelensky might have to accept the peace plans he rejected in the event of a change in presidency in the USA. While Turkey's and China-Brazil's ceasefire plans aim to end the war, Zelensky's Victory Plan targets more conflict and seeks more military support from the USA for that purpose.