Victory Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ stated in his remarks regarding the discussions of early elections that he anticipates the early election will take place no later than the autumn of 2025. Speaking during his visits to tradesmen in Ankara, Özdağ said, "As the Victory Party, we will be starting our activities in June 2025, and we see that Turkey is entering this atmosphere as well. It seems that all the moves made by the government indicate preparations for an election in the first half of 2025, or if that doesn't happen, in the autumn." "WE BELIEVE IT IS NECESSARY TO PUT THE BALLOT BOX ON THE TABLE"Referring to the election statements made by AKP Deputy Chairman Mustafa Elitaş, Özdağ said, "Elitaş's statement is not in harmony with our statement. It is more of a statement suggesting that we will use this time until the end and then go to the elections, which is not feasible in a Turkey where the objective conditions and the economic crisis have shown that this government cannot overcome these challenges. Therefore, we believe it is necessary to put the ballot box on the table." "ELECTION PREPARATIONS HAVE STARTED THROUGH THE FAIRY TALE OF VICTORY IN SYRIA"Özdağ stated, "The government has started to conduct election preparations through the fairy tale of victory in Syria because it knows it cannot carry on any longer and cannot promise a solution to the Turkish nation economically. However, they want to shape it as a snap election rather than an early election, according to the expression of an AKP member of parliament. For this reason, there are some dormant opposition groups. They are trying not to awaken them. But the Victory Party is carrying out its preparations."