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Vincenzo Montella is thinking big: It doesn't matter who comes from now on.

Vincenzo Montella is thinking big: It doesn't matter who comes from now on.

27.06.2024 19:50

The coach of our National Team, Vincenzo Montella, who managed to advance to the round of 16 in the 2024 European Football Championship by defeating Czech Republic 2-1, made statements after the match. Montella emphasized that it will be a different tournament from now on and said, "You will make me say that I want Austria. It makes me happy to see everyone having such a revenge spirit. I have it too. But whoever comes, it doesn't matter anymore."

The head coach of our National Team, Vincenzo Montella, made remarkable statements after defeating Czech Republic 2-1 and advancing to the round of 16 in the 2024 European Football Championship.


Vincenzo Montella said, "I am very happy for our nation, our players, and our people. Unnecessary pressure was put on the team. Czech Republic's goal should not have been allowed. Maybe we are the youngest team to advance to the next round. We are very happy for our families and those who love us. We have experienced Austria before. We will prepare for the match in the best way possible. A different tournament begins from now on," he stated.


Evaluating the Austria match in the round of 16, Montella said, "You will make me say that I want Austria. I am happy that everyone has this revenge spirit. I have it too. But no matter who comes, it doesn't matter after this hour," he said.


Talking about Barış Alper Yılmaz, who was selected as the player of the match, the Italian coach said, "He played a very good game. Physically amazing. You won't find anyone who doesn't fight until the end. We have a team that fights until the end," he said.

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