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Weather warning for precipitation across the country from meteorology.

Weather warning for precipitation across the country from meteorology.

07.09.2024 08:30

The General Directorate of Meteorology has issued a rainfall warning for Istanbul and many other cities for the weekend. It has been stated that today in Istanbul, there will be scattered and mostly cloudy weather with locally heavy showers and thunderstorms.

In these days when we leave behind the summer months, according to the latest forecasts of the General Directorate of Meteorology (MGM), partly cloudy and occasionally cloudy weather is expected in the northern and inland regions of the country.

The northern and eastern parts of Marmara, Western and Eastern Black Sea, Middle Black Sea coasts, northern and western regions of Eastern Anatolia, Osmaniye, Çankırı, the coastal strip of Hatay, the northern regions of Ankara, and the Taurus region of Eastern Mediterranean are expected to experience local showers and thunderstorms.


In other regions, it will be mostly clear and sunny. Especially in Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars, and Ardahan, it is predicted that the rainfall will be occasionally heavy.

In the Istanbul warning of the Meteorology, it is stated as "Partly cloudy and mostly cloudy, with local showers and thunderstorms (on Saturday)".

There will be no significant change in the temperature, and it is expected to be around seasonal norms throughout the country. The wind is expected to be generally northerly, light from the south and west in the Mediterranean coasts and eastern regions, occasionally moderate.


There will be no significant change in the temperature, and it is predicted to be around seasonal norms throughout the country.


Since the rainfall is expected to be occasionally heavy in Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars, and Ardahan, it is necessary to be cautious and take precautions against possible negative effects such as sudden floods, waterlogging, lightning, local hail, and strong winds during rainfall.

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