The Beşiktaş Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into "tender corruption," and on January 13, Beşiktaş Mayor Rıza Akpolat was arrested in the Edremit district of Balıkesir and subsequently detained. Following this, the Beşiktaş Municipal Council will convene on Thursday, January 23, to elect the deputy mayor. 3 CANDIDATES FOR RIZA AKPOLAT'S SEATThree names are circulating in the corridors for the position of Beşiktaş Deputy Mayor. According to Habertürk's report, these names are; Beşiktaş Deputy Mayor and Council Member Ali Rıza Yılmaz, Beşiktaş Municipality and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) Council Member İlker Uluer, and Ömer Rasim Şişman, who also serves as the İBB group secretary and is a member of the Beşiktaş Municipality Council. ÖZGÜR ÖZEL WILL SUPPORT YILMAZThe first name that has emerged in the corridors is Ali Rıza Yılmaz. It has been suggested that CHP Chairman Özgür Özel will support Yılmaz due to his party experience and age. Additionally, it is claimed that the name Akpolat proposed for the deputy mayor position is Uluer, and that individuals close to Akpolat will support Uluer. On the other hand, it has been alleged that CHP Istanbul Provincial Chairman Özgür Çelik supports candidate Ömer Rasim Şişman.