The actress Zeynep Koçak, known for her role in the first season of "Çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar," is in the spotlight with a video she shared on her social media account. While bullying in the television and film industry has been a hot topic lately, Zeynep Koçak couldn't hold back. Having been away from the screens for a while, Koçak shared her experience of bullying on a film set. "I HAD TO GO EVERY MORNING WITH MAKEUP"In the video she shared on her social media account, Zeynep Koçak, who struggled to speak, described her experience with the following words: "The production manager on the set of a film I acted in said, 'When you come without makeup in the morning, the other actors get demoralized.' I had to come to the set with makeup every morning. "I ACTED FOR A MONTH AND A HALF WHILE BEING BULLIED"The director of the same set said, 'I hate you, I don't like you.' I tried to act for a month and a half while being subjected to bullying on this set. All I ask from you is not to write under this post, 'That's why she keeps getting plastic surgery!' I had no idea that I would constantly be criticized for how I looked when I started this job at the age of 23."