In a tragic incident in England, a judicial investigation has begun regarding the death of 12-year-old Semina Halliwell, who was allegedly a victim of sexual abuse. The investigation is looking into whether there was police negligence in Semina's death. Speaking at the hearing at Bootle Town Hall, mother Rachel Halliwell described the trauma her daughter experienced and the events that followed. Halliwell stated, "My daughter was a normal and happy child, but this incident completely changed her. The indifferent attitude of the police and their failure to take her complaint seriously made the situation even worse." According to information revealed in the investigation, police officers tried to dismiss the case by saying to Semina, "It's your word against his." Additionally, it was suggested that the legal process could take two years, which was an attempt to deter the young girl from pursuing her complaint. After learning that the same person had also attacked another girl, Semina wanted to file a complaint. However, in June 2021, she attempted suicide by taking medication and passed away three days later. The incident has reignited discussions in England regarding the police's handling of child abuse cases and the inadequacies of judicial processes. The investigation will continue tomorrow with the testimonies of police officers.