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A monkey that escaped from a house in Çorum caused chaos in the neighborhood, resulting in one person getting injured.

A monkey that escaped from a house in Çorum caused chaos in the neighborhood, resulting in one person getting injured.

29.08.2024 18:30

A monkey that escaped from a house in Çorum caused chaos in the neighborhood. The monkey, which bit a 19-year-old girl on her leg, tried to enter houses. Jumping from balcony to balcony, the monkey also consumed some residents' food. The monkey, which eventually moved away from the area, was taken by individuals claiming to be its owners. Authorities have initiated an investigation to capture the individuals who illegally kept the monkey.

A monkey that escaped from a house in Çorum tried to enter other houses in the neighborhood. A citizen who witnessed the moments described the monkey that bit someone's leg. The citizen, who said that the monkey was trying to enter their houses, said, "I went to the balcony and when I went out, I made eye contact with the monkey."

A monkey that escaped from a house on Buharaevler 3rd Street in Buharaevler neighborhood in the center of Çorum attacked 19-year-old Buse E.S. by biting her leg. After biting the young woman's knee, the monkey disappeared. The young woman, who was taken to the hospital, was discharged after the wound where the monkey bit was bandaged.

A monkey that escaped from a house in Çorum caused chaos in the neighborhood, 1 person injured


The monkey wandering the streets turned the area into a battlefield. The monkey, who scattered the items on some balconies, satisfied its hunger by eating the food that the citizens put outside to dry. It was learned that the monkey tried to attack the citizens it encountered. The monkey, who moved away from the area, was taken by the citizens who were later found to be its owners. The authorities started an investigation to identify the individuals who illegally fed the monkey.

A monkey that escaped from a house in Çorum caused chaos in the neighborhood, 1 person injured


Esma Nalıncı, who encountered the monkey trying to enter her house when she woke up in the morning, described the moments. Nalıncı, who saw the monkey attacking people walking on the street and biting someone's leg, said that the monkey ate all her winter food. "The alarm was ringing, I turned it off. Then I started hearing noises from the upstairs neighbor and outside. When I woke up, I thought a thief had entered the house. I went to the balcony and when I went out, I made eye contact with the monkey. It had destroyed the balcony. Then it went to my neighbor on the ground floor. It entered his house. It also scattered the items in his house. It attacked our friends when they were going to work. At that time, it bit the leg of a young friend. Then we called an ambulance. They took it to the hospital. We know that his condition is good. We had heard before that there was a monkey in the apartment building. What is a monkey doing in Çorum, what is it doing in my house? It looted everything. All my winter food is gone. It dropped and broke my son's phone screen. I demand compensation for our damages." she said.

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