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After 80,000 years, the first! The C/2023 A3 comet can also be seen from Turkey.

After 80,000 years, the first! The C/2023 A3 comet can also be seen from Turkey.

29.09.2024 20:00

The comet C/2023 A3, discovered by scientists in January 2023, has started to become visible in the sky over Turkey. This comet, which has an orbit that repeats approximately every 80,000 years, will be observable with the naked eye as it approaches the Sun in the coming days, and will become visible again around mid-October.

According to scientists, the C/2023 A3 comet, which will be visible to the naked eye for the first time in 80,000 years, has started to be seen in the sky in Turkey. Astrophotographer Murat Helvacıoğlu, who captured the comet in Kastamonu, noted that he was excited to see the comet, which was discovered last year and has an orbit of approximately 80,000 years.


Since its discovery by scientists in January 2023, the C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) comet, eagerly awaited by sky enthusiasts, has started to be seen in the Turkish skies. The C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) comet, which has an estimated orbital period of about 80,000 years, can be observed with binoculars and telescopes on the eastern horizon before sunrise starting from Friday, although it will be too close to the Sun to be seen with the naked eye for a few days.

The first in 80,000 years! The C/2023 A3 comet can also be seen from Turkey


Additionally, according to some scientists' predictions, the comet, which will come closest to the Sun between October 8-13, has a possibility of fragmenting due to the Sun's heat and solar winds. If the comet does not fragment, it will be observable again on the western horizon after sunset starting from mid-October.


The C/2023 A3 comet, discovered last year and observed just before sunrise for four mornings, was captured by astrophotographer Murat Helvacıoğlu and his friend Sinan Kendirci, who kept watch all night in Kastamonu to witness this natural event that they would only see once in their lives. To capture the comet, which can be observed even with binoculars or a small telescope from areas with no light pollution, astrophotographer Murat Helvacıoğlu and his friend Sinan Kendirci prepared hours in advance and examined the comet by entering the given coordinates into the telescope.

The first in 80,000 years! The C/2023 A3 comet can also be seen from Turkey


Astrophotographer Murat Helvacıoğlu and his friend Sinan Kendirci, who were preparing on a field at the junction of Sapaca village road in Kastamonu, witnessed this natural event that occurs once every 80,000 years by taking special equipment shots as the comet started to be seen. Astrophotographer Murat Helvacıoğlu, who observed the comet from Kastamonu, said, "Today we came here to observe the C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) comet. We tried to capture the comet on the day of the largest opening of the ATLAS comet's orbit around the Sun, which is visible approximately once every 80,000 years. We couldn't see it with the naked eye, but we managed to see it with the telescope. I believe we are among the first astrophotographers in our country to capture this comet."

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