In the megacity of Istanbul, the death of 11 people from counterfeit alcohol in the last 24 hours has prompted action from the authorities. Istanbul Governor Davut Gül announced that the licenses of 63 businesses selling counterfeit alcohol have been revoked and closed. GOVERNOR GÜL: DEATH CASES ARE INCREASINGIn a statement on his social media account, Governor Gül said, "The licenses of 63 businesses selling counterfeit alcohol have been revoked and closed. Everyone who causes death by selling counterfeit/illegal alcohol is being identified and brought to justice. Please be careful! Death cases are increasing," he stated. ALSO ANNOUNCED THE CIRCULARAdditionally, Gül announced in his post the circular issued by the Istanbul Governor's Office to carry out a more effective fight against the use of illegal and counterfeit alcohol. "REQUIREMENT FOR A VIDEO RECORDING SYSTEM HAS BEEN INTRODUCED"The circular published by the Istanbul Governor's Office is as follows; "In this context, with the circular issued on October 10, 2024, a requirement for a continuous video recording system of specified quality has been introduced for businesses selling alcohol, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to this circular, with the circular we published on January 10, 2025, businesses that sell illegal or counterfeit alcohol and cause death as a result will have their licenses revoked, in addition to the administrative actions to be taken as per the regulations, if they are determined to be selling illegal or counterfeit alcohol during inspections, or if they do not have a sales and presentation certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's Tobacco and Alcohol Department, except for the exceptions in special laws. Furthermore, businesses that sell and present alcohol openly outside the areas designated by the relevant municipal council, based on the opinion of the local administrative authority regarding general security and public order, will also have their business opening and operating licenses revoked. The revocation process will be carried out in coordination with the administrative units authorized to issue licenses, and law enforcement will continue their inspections related to the matter without interruption."