Ferdi Tayfur, the master of arabesque music, who was being treated in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Antalya, passed away on Thursday evening, January 2. The death of the 79-year-old artist plunged his fans into mourning. Many famous personalities shared their feelings following Tayfur's passing. "THERE IS 1 DEAD BUT 86 MILLION INJURED" Ahmet Selçuk İlkan, a close friend of Ferdi Tayfur and a poet and songwriter, made a statement to TGRT News following the famous singer's death. İlkan expressed Tayfur's two greatest longings, saying: "We are heavily wounded, there is 1 dead. But there are 86 million injured. That's how I see it. We are all wounded right now. Ferdi Tayfur had two longings. He would say, 'I always lived two things missing in life.' When I asked what, he would say, 'I could never say father even once in my life. I could never say teacher.' Because he lost his father at the age of 2 in a tragic event. The second was that Ferdi Tayfur had never been to school. And whenever he saw a school or a teacher, his heart would bleed. Now we can only alleviate our longing for him through his songs."